Monday, November 19, 2012

how to get revenge on your EXXXXXXX :P

**** I just felt this article was posted very timely. So it's almost December and a new year is about to start, I guess it is HIGH TIME for us guys (who experienced a heartbreak) to MOVE ON.

While they may not spend days weeping over the break-up, it’s not always a simple parting for guys who have suffered the blow. Admit it or not at some point following heartbreak (whether it is at the age of 15 or 30) there would have been countless days of melancholy followed by constant cursing accompanied by sporadic bouts of depression and gluttony.
You may even have fallen quickly in love again just to save yourself the pain. However, ultimately realization happens. You have the right to take your time but if you are ready to shift gears and the track, here is the ‘axe you ex’ manual:

· Kill the ego

Admit it! There is more of mental disturbance than resentment over the break-up. It seems like someone tore you apart and you are enraged. It’s difficult not to feel the heat of the situation but you won’t deny that it’s a selfish thing to do. Take it easy on yourself. Check your emotions and thoughts. Try and see the other’s viewpoint. Maybe it was not meant to be.

· Bring back the 'Attitude'

Do away with the drama and wear acceptance on your sleeve. Over-emphasizing the importance of a relationship will make you fall in love with ashes of a bygone life. You don’t want that to happen. Just kick or kiss things goodbye (whichever way you like). No lingering!

· Cut your ties for good

As a customary parting you may whisper a ‘keep in touch’ or ‘we will be friends’ for not ending on a bitter note; however, DON’T you dare believe in it. Being in touch translates to keeping passions alive when you know that things are cold enough to extinguish any flame.

· Grow

Emotionally, spiritually and in your outlook to life. Feel blessed to have experienced the joys of being in love even if it was not forever. To beat the blues, you can start a new hobby. And no, alcohol won’t help, instead start a fitness regime.

· Play bad

It will do you good. Want to help yourself out seriously? Put your available/single status back and hit the club. Beware of touching the alcohol and look for some interesting conversations to indulge in. Who knows you may come across someone you click with.
It was all great until you heard that your ex is dating someone else and the thought is ruining your life. But remember it is actually merely heartache worth 10 seconds that you are spoiling the entire fun for. Think ‘freedom’ and feel the space. Have fun!

@This article was copied from:

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