My Dearest Lady,
I heard that you are crying again last night. You might wonder how I knew about it, but it does not matter anymore. It pains me to know you are crying and shedding tears for someone who does not even seem to care for your feelings. Leaving you hanging, groping, waiting, and guessing... it has all been the same and I know that after sometime, it gets tiring too. Every night of crying, you start to ask yourself if you really are a trash, after being dumped and maybe played with several times. Is it a vicious cycle? My dear, you have the power to cut it off. You might be a victim, but it does not mean you will be miserable for all eternity.
You have the power to believe, and it has to start with having that conviction in yourself. For once, go convince yourself that you are not a rubbish, that you are priceless, and that you deserve the best. After all, loving should start with yourself. You cannot demand others to love you, then hate yourself in the process. You are unique and extraordinary, and if you only dig deeper, you will see that beauty that no one ever has. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. Believe in your beauty, and nurture it. Cultivate the talents and gifts given to you, and certainly, you will make such an impact, a difference.
Let go of the persons who have nothing to do but doubt yourself. Perhaps they are not so good for you, and they too, have insecurities and problems to deal with. True, life will be filled with such craps, but it's actually a matter of learning when it's enough, over, and too much. It's definitely not bad to be patient my dearest. But trust your instincts, because a woman's intuition, is her greatest weapon. I'm not telling that you be doubtful either. However, when people are pushing you to the edge, learn to set them aside, and for once, think of yourself. Guard thy heart, lady. How can you give love to others if your heart has been shattered, wounded, and devastated, after all those pain? Even if we cannot avoid all the hurts, it's not such a wise choice to jump into it, either. Life is all about making wise decisions, and it is no longer intelligent if same mistakes have been done, and the lesson takes forever to sink in. Bear in mind, that mistakes are repeated so you will learn.
I just want you to be strong and learn to stand up for yourself, this is not bad, but for your own good. You live in a dog-eat world, where you will be preyed against devouring and ravenous creatures, but do not be afraid. I want you to be strong so that you will have both feet stronghold and you will never be fooled and easily swayed. You are a woman of character, strength, and nobility. Why not? You actually bore the world in your womb. You nourish and nurture mankind, because you have that capacity to love and to care. Don't let that dream of yours be trampled upon just because of people who cannot do anything but to just hurt you, doubt your abilities, and make you cry. You might fail and stumble, but let me tell you that there is always someone who will believe in you. So stand up and dust off the dirt on your feet, go wipe your tears, get that smile back on your beautiful face, walk on... face life without fear. You can definitely do it.
I know that your heart is full of love and that you will wholly share it with the world. If you are still doubting your value, let me tell you that you are worthy of that love. The world may break your heart into the tiniest pieces, but hold on to that belief, still... that you are worthy of that love. If tears stream down on your cheek, resist the doubt, you are worthy of love. Romantic, filial, or platonic... you deserve all such love, because you are special in your own way, and you are always worth it. What I just want you to do is to believe, and to start loving and valuing yourself from now on. Don't be afraid to ask, but learn the difference of asking, and demanding. Have the courage to go for your dreams and heart's desires. Allow people to treat you special, but don't grow bratty or spoiled. For once, don't be ashamed and afraid to be given what is due to you. You deserve that, you surely do. And when you have been given so much that it overflows, remember to give thanks and share your blessings to others.
I hope that insecurities and doubts will not find its home in your heart. You cannot fulfill your dreams with those barricades, as they hinder you to see the beauty and promises of the world. So should people throw you with mockery, listen to the inner voice, telling you.. you are special. And if someone attempts to break your heart once again, believe that as always, you are worthy of being loved. Go tell yourself "I am a woman. I am precious. I deserve to be treated the way I should be. I deserve to be respected, cared for, and valued. I am always ready and capable of loving and caring. I am worthy of LOVE."
Go forth and sail. Dry those tears now. Believe. Inspire. Create. Feel. PRAY and LOVE.
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